
CBN Pills or CBN Gummies: Which One Should You Choose?

cbn pills vs cbn gummies

As we discover more about the cannabis plant, some secondary cannabinoids are becoming popular. Almost everyone has heard of CBD, but its cousin, CBN, is now being used more and more. Cannabinol (CBN) is one of the cannabinoids that’s gaining popularity. It has a slightly more prominent effect than CBD, but is not as potent […]

Full Spectrum vs Broad Spectrum CBD: Getting to Know the Difference

Full Spectrum vs Broad Spectrum CBD

Full Spectrum vs Broad Spectrum CBD . Shopping for CBD can come along with a lot of complex terminologies. From the variety of products you can buy to the concentrations and flavors, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. Part of the purpose of this PureKana blog is to make CBD-related information more accessible so that learning […]

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